Friday, October 12, 2007

Peace on Earth




The Nobel Peace Prize was recently awarded to former Vice President Al Gore. Al Gore was given the Nobel Peace Prize, for his strong work on ending the plight of global warming. Al Gore’s work can be noted in his recent documentary movie titled “An Inconvenient Truth”. This movie although I myself have not had time to personally view it, has been noted by critics to be a massive eye opener on the past, present, and most importantly future conditions of the earths atmospheric issues. However despite its success, conservatives here in the United States have dismissed this film, and labeled at as exaggerated and alarmist.
From the information I have gathered from Al Gore’s website the current facts are that of statistical value. These facts include the number of hurricanes doubling recently, animals migrating closer to the polar caps, and the disease Malaria beginning to reach out to epidemic further cities. Also there are things such as the possibility of the Artic Ocean having no ice in it by the year 2050. Along with this for the year 2050, would come the extinction of many animals. From this statistical basis it is quite apparent as to why the conservative (namely Republican) Party would label a movie such s this to be alarmist. However I see no reason for Al Gore’s cause to be dismissed completely. His cause is obviously Noble, since he did win the NOBEL Peace Prize (lol), but his problem is, well, he came on a little too strong.
My opinions on the subject vary from detail, to detail. Do I think that Global Warming is a serious problem? Yes I do. Also I believe that when you are faced with a problem you should do something about it. Yet one way to go about it should NOT be to scare the crap out of people. Then on the other hand sometimes when something is very wrong, we tend to dismiss it and say to ourselves “Well its not a problem right now, so I will just wait until it gets bad, then I will deal with it.” In this case, the strongest recommendation is a good scare, just to give our system a swift kick to our rear, so that way we will realize how dire the situation is, and do something to fix it.
Al Gore does indeed deserve the Nobel peace Prize. For the longest time I have considered him as a good candidate. Also I hope that now that he has this honor, people will finally start paying a little bit closer attention to his film. We not as Americans, but as human beings should do something to take care of our Earth. I have heard numerous excuses for people not caring about the environment. Things like “Well the Earth wont end for like a billion years so who cares about what we do now.” Or “Well we could always abandon Earth and live on Mars. It is time for someone to do something about the problem, Al Gore is that someone, and I support him.

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