Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Capitals punishment.

One of the larger issues facing cantidates is their stand on the death penalty. While states such as California are preparing to abolish it, other states such as Texas are upgrading it. Yet we feel uneasy about the death penalty because we dont like the thought of someone suffering. Which brings up the question, is capital punishment cruel and unusual?
The death penalty should not be considered as cruel and unusual punishment. The death penalty has been around just as long as the criminal justice system itself. Many people believe that by killing someone as punishment will only make the criminal justice system just as bad as the murderer. This idea process originates from the quote “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”.
If I had to rule out the biggest factor that dictates the justification of an execution, is not the act of executing in itself, but rather the method in which it is carried out, as well as the reason for executing a criminal. The method by which people have used execution in the criminal justice system has improved through leaps and bounds throughout the centuries. It has improved both in its efficiency as well as its leniency towards criminals. For instance people used to be pulled out of their homes, and tied to four horses, then drawn and quartered, all because they may have stolen some bread to feed their family. However in this present day and age, people may go on a rampant non stop killing spree, then be sentenced to execution by a quiet poison delivered by a tiny needle that causes them to go to sleep, and never wake up again.
This brings me to my next point. Now as we all know, the prison system here in the United States of America is for the most part overpopulated. With that being said I would like to elaborate on the importance of a speedier trial and execution. Every trial that involves either a celebrity or a serial killer usually lasts a very long time. The longer the case lasts the more money it costs to maintain, and it is harder on the judge, attorneys, and courtroom staff. Also the more people that are in jail, the more money it costs, and it is harder it is on the corrections officers and staff of the prison.
Executions bring closure to families. Say for instance that a little girl’s father is killed by a crazed mailman wielding a gun. The mailman is sentenced to a long prison term, but has the possibility of parole since it is not capitol murder. That little girl is going to grow up knowing that the man who killed her father is still out there, and may one do be free out killing again. This can emotional devastate individuals who have experienced traumatic situations. It is in our human nature that it is always easier to use negative reinforcement, than coming up with, and carrying out a means for positive reinforcement.
Thirteen states do not have the death penalty: Alaska, District of Colombia, Hawaii, Iowa, Main, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Right now there is a massive uprising of anti- capital punishment activists. These people base their argument that jail is more than enough of a deterrent to stop murderers from killing again. This is false, what they do not understand is that these killings usually take place in the heat of the moment; the killer does not think about it, they just do it. Had they thought about it, they may have not even been caught in the first place.
Jail is not nearly enough of a deterrent to make people stop from killing. They may even so bold to still say that they had the last laugh and got away with it. However with the ever present threat of the death penalty looming over the heads of criminals, they will then have something to truly fear in the criminal justice system. Although some of the studies suggest that the death penalty may not function as a significantly greater deterrent than lesser penalties, there is no convincing empirical evidence supporting or refuting this view. More often most people have a natural fear of death from the time they are born, its a trait man have to think about what will happen before we act. If we don’t think about it consciously, we will think about it unconsciously. Think about it if every murderer who killed someone died instantly, the homicide rate would be very low because no one likes to die.

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