Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Comment on classmate's blog regarding FDA drug approvals.

This is a link to the blog I am commenting on.

You make a valid statement, however while your intentions are well reserved, your firing in the wrong directions if any at all. Politicians despite what we ALL may think (myself included) do not have as much power as expected. In fact you did mention the “drug companies” and the possibility of wrong motives and corruption among them. I noticed you did not choose a side. Where one side being the evil politicians, the other being the powerful companies. Had you picked a side the correct choice would have been the drug companies themselves.

Above is a link I posted to an article on a site called The Article explains the function of a drug known as dichloroacetate (DCA). DCA has the power to kill off mostly all cancer cells, by “switching off” what makes them immortally unstoppable. However, as DCA is not patented, it may be difficult to find funding from private investors to test DCA in clinical trials. That’s right, this drug may end cancer as we know it, yet the drug companies won’t do it because of financial issues.The following quote is from my girlfriend.

“I bet you this drug could have saved my brothers life but instead the medical community and drug companies were out trying to get all our money because the sicker my brother got, the more money they made off of us. In the end, he lost his life.”

That’s sad isn’t it? There are many different stories from a lot more people, much like this one. Drug companies have all the power, funding, and time they need, yet because of some extra money they just throw it all away, and only give us what we are willing to pay “top dollar” for. Notice though that the people who have found this cure are Canadians. (don’t worry I am not about to go against Canada). However it does make one wonder, had the cure been discovered here, in American, would this situation be any different. I for one say not yes but hell yes! Protestors would go wild, and the President would drop whatever he was doing to go sign some document to make things start happening, before the public went into riot mode.

These drug companies in Canada could learn a lot by observing the outcry for a cure here in America. Foundations like “The Magic Johnson Foundation” are led by rich and powerful people who’s desire is to put there time and money to good use. Look at Magic Johnson, he has AIDS, I am willing to wager that if he was on charge of a drug company and they found a cure for AIDS, he would be all over that.

Do you see the point I am making? These drug companies do not hear the outcry of the needy, and do not understand the pain that the patients, doctors, families, and friends are undergoing. So if one of their family members came down with cancer, would they break into their workplace to get that cure? If they did not have a wallet where their heart should be, then yes they would do whatever necessary to save their family members life.

In conclusion, I would like to go back to the last few words of your blog. When you said “Either way it’s a fight between money and health. But who’s the real bad guy I wonder? Who’s really trying to help America’s Health? Is it the politician’s who care, or is it the powerful drug companies? Does it even matter as long as we get better?” The answer is the politicians would help, but in this case the cure is in Canada, and on top of that the rich and powerful leaders of drug companies don’t necessarily not care about us, they just REALLY like money more.

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